Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

15500 Blundell Road,
Richmond BC V6W 1E9
Contact Us

About Us

Who We Are

Ecowaste Industries Ltd. has over 50 years of waste management experience.  From 1971 until 1986, Ecowaste operated a municipal solid waste landfill in the City of Richmond on 60 hectares (148-acres) of land owned by the Fraser River Harbour Commission (“FRHC”). As the land of the FRHC filled, Ecowaste purchased 160 acres next to the FRHC site where the company currently operates a landfill for construction, demolition and excavation materials.

Over the past 30 years Ecowaste has added various recycling operation to its construction, demolition and excavation landfill operation.  The recycling activities include conversion of yard waste into compost, clean wood into biomass, and concrete into aggregate. These compost and aggregate products are either used for landfill closure activities or sold commercially to the public or to custom soils manufacturers located on site. Biofuels are sold as low carbon alternative to manufactures, universities and energy producers.

Talk to us about your waste management needs