Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

15500 Blundell Road,
Richmond BC V6W 1E9
Contact Us


Monday, March 17th, 2025, the Ecowaste site entrance, scales, and public drop off area will be moving from the current location
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There is an interesting recent video here from Wall Street Journal which mirrors our vision of future environmental developments at our Richmond Ecowaste facility and our recycling commitment for the region.
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Ecowaste invited everyone to their open house this September.
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Christian Dietrich, EcoWaste vice-president of recycling and waste services, recently met with city staff to look at next steps for its east Richmond landfill.
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Ecowaste would have shut down its operations within a couple years without this decision from the province.
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The Province is removing Richmond’s Ecowaste landfill from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), allowing the company to move forward with a new recycling facility for housing construction waste.
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Ecowaste is recognized in the recent issue of Environmental Excellence in B.C.
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Ecowaste receives an Environmental Awareness Award from the 3rd Annual WMABC Member Recognition Awards.
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