Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

Regular Hours   Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:15 PM | Saturday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Please note commercial loads are not accepted on Saturdays)

Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9

Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!

15500 Blundell Road,
Richmond BC V6W 1E9
Contact Us


Public Drop Off
Commercial Construction & Demolition Waste
Banned Material

Public Drop OffRate (GST not included)
Construction, Demolition and Land Clearing Waste (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$195.00
Clean Green® - segregated loads only (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$93.00
Clean Wood - segregated wood loads only (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$112.00
Concrete, clean or light rebar - Minimum charge $30$54.00
Roofing Material (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$195.00
Treated Lumber (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$342.00
Appliances - Stoves, Dryers, Washing MachinesFree
Appliances - Fridges / Freezers / Air-Conditioners$21.00
Metals - cleanFree
Asphalt Roofing, Wood Roofing (tonnes) - Min charge $30$195.00
Fill Soil with rubble (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$69.00
Boats (per foot)$29.00

Commercial Rates

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023: Drywall or Gypsum in any form will not be accepted for disposal from the general public or from contractors and waste haulers.

Commercial Construction & Demolition WasteRate (GST not included)
Construction Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Demolition Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Land Clearing Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Clean Marble/Tile (per tonne)$93.00
Concrete - clean Tandem Axle (per box)$84.00
Concrete - light rebar Tandem Axle (per box)$282.00
Concrete - heavy rebar Tandem Axle (per box)$430.00
Concrete - clean End Dump$208.00
Concrete - light rebar End Dump$753.00
Concrete - heavy rebar End Dump$1,504.00
Concrete - clean Tandem & Pup$157.00
Concrete - light rebar Tandem & Pup$532.00
Concrete - heavy rebar Tandem & Pup$856.00
Concrete - dirty or with insulation (tonnes) - Minimum $30$93.00
Gypsum (Select haulers only)
Asphalt Roofing , Wood Recycling (tonnes) - Minimum $30- call for pricing
Clean Asphalt Shingles (tonnes)- call for pricing
Loose Insulation - Batt Insulation (tonnes) - Minimum $30$617.00
Rigid Insulation - Styrofoam (tonnes) - Minimum $30$699.00
Select Wood (tonnes) - Minimum container size 30 yd3$99.00
Clean Wood (tonnes) - segregated clean wood only$94.00
Treated Lumber (including Creosote) tonne$329.00
Fire Damaged (tonnes) – Requires prior approval, see below$361.00
Dry Fill - Industrial Grade or Better(tonnes)- Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Fill Soil with rubble (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$54.00
Boats (per foot)$29.00
Trailers/Camper (per foot)$40.00

Banned Material

Semisolid sludge or liquid waste. Wet Fill including Tanker Trucks.

Hazardous Waste

Lithium batteries

Automobiles, household appliances, metallic car parts, large metallic objects, or tires.

Food wastes or other putrescible refuse, dead animals.

Bulk quantities of waste paper, newspaper or corrugated cardboard.

Gypsum Board (Drywall), Gypsum with tile unless either in full sheets (post 1990) or pre-approved by management

Excavation material and/or soil, unless pre-approved.  (See Check List – Soil Disposal).

Asbestos or materials containing asbestos.


Mattresses, Couches or furniture with springs

Crystalline Silica

Fish Netting, Tugboat rope

Please see Select Wood Loads: Terms & Conditions below for qualified materials.

Public Drop Off
Commercial Construction & Demolition Waste
Banned Material

Public Drop OffRate (GST not included)
Construction, Demolition and Land Clearing Waste (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$195.00
Clean Green® - segregated loads only (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$93.00
Clean Wood - segregated wood loads only (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$112.00
Concrete, clean or light rebar - Minimum charge $30$54.00
Roofing Material (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$195.00
Treated Lumber (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$342.00
Appliances - Stoves, Dryers, Washing MachinesFree
Appliances - Fridges / Freezers / Air-Conditioners$21.00
Metals - cleanFree
Asphalt Roofing, Wood Roofing (tonnes) - Min charge $30$195.00
Fill Soil with rubble (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$69.00
Boats (per foot)$29.00

Commercial Rates

EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2016: Drywall or Gypsum* will only be accepted from new construction or from buildings built after 1989. Drywall materials will only be accepted in full sheets (no cut offs) and a manufacturers date stamp must is present and clearly indicate it was manufactured after 1989. Bagged drywall and cut off pieces will not be accepted.

Commercial Construction & Demolition WasteRate (GST not included)
Construction Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Demolition Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Land Clearing Refuse (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Clean Marble/Tile (per tonne)$93.00
Concrete - clean Tandem Axle (per box)$84.00
Concrete - light rebar Tandem Axle (per box)$282.00
Concrete - heavy rebar Tandem Axle (per box)$430.00
Concrete - clean End Dump$208.00
Concrete - light rebar End Dump$753.00
Concrete - heavy rebar End Dump$1,504.00
Concrete - clean Tandem & Pup$157.00
Concrete - light rebar Tandem & Pup$532.00
Concrete - heavy rebar Tandem & Pup$856.00
Concrete - dirty or with insulation (tonnes) - Minimum $30$93.00
Gypsum (Select haulers only)
Asphalt Roofing , Wood Recycling (tonnes) - Minimum $30- call for pricing
Clean Asphalt Shingles (tonnes)- call for pricing
Loose Insulation - Batt Insulation (tonnes) - Minimum $30$617.00
Rigid Insulation - Styrofoam (tonnes) - Minimum $30$699.00
Select Wood (tonnes) - Minimum container size 30 yd3$99.00
Clean Wood (tonnes) - segregated clean wood only$94.00
Treated Lumber (including Creosote) tonne$329.00
Fire Damaged (tonnes) – Requires prior approval, see below$361.00
Dry Fill - Industrial Grade or Better(tonnes)- Minimum charge $30- call for pricing
Fill Soil with rubble (tonnes) - Minimum charge $30$54.00
Boats (per foot)$29.00
Trailers/Camper (per foot)$40.00

Banned Material

Semisolid sludge or liquid waste. Wet Fill including Tanker Trucks.

Hazardous Waste

Lithium batteries

Automobiles, household appliances, metallic car parts, large metallic objects, or tires.

Food wastes or other putrescible refuse, dead animals.

Bulk quantities of waste paper, newspaper or corrugated cardboard.

Gypsum Board (Drywall), Gypsum with tile unless either in full sheets (post 1990) or pre-approved by management

Excavation material and/or soil, unless pre-approved.  (See Check List – Soil Disposal).

Asbestos or materials containing asbestos.


Mattresses, Couches or furniture with springs

Crystalline Silica

Fish Netting, Tugboat rope

Please see Select Wood Loads: Terms & Conditions below for qualified materials.

Select Wood Loads Terms and Conditions

Materials that qualify for disposal as Select Wood:


  • Loads will be accepted directly from demolition sites only – transfer station loads will not be accepted.
  • Loads must contain at least 95% wood. Dimensional lumber is preferred and wood fines must be kept to a minimum.
  • Shake roofing is acceptable.
  • Plastics, carpet and soft materials must be less than 5% of the load.
  • Recyclable materials such as cardboard and metals will be accepted but it is recommended that they be removed prior to disposal.

Not Accepted

  • Gypsum* drywall in loads.
  • Materials which are not permitted for disposal at Ecowaste including putrescibles, asbestos, household hazardous waste or special wastes.
  • Mattresses.
  • Treated lumber containing chemical preservatives, pentachlorophenols or creosote.
  • Concrete or brick.
  • Tar and gravel roofing.
  • Soil, turf or yard trimmings.

Ecowaste reserves the right to limit the volume of Select Wood it accepts.

Loads that contain any material in the Not Accepted category will be charged the Demolition Refuse rate, or reloaded (fees apply) if not acceptable at the facility.

Loads must be in containers 30 yards or larger.  Ecowaste’s ‘Volume Incentive Plan’ (VIP) does not apply to this material.

Ecowaste encourages the separation of materials at source.  Tear-off duroid shingles and concrete that are separated from wood loads at site and delivered separately to Ecowaste will receive preferential pricing to the Select Wood and Demolition Refuse rates.

Burned / Fire-Damaged Materials

For Fire Damaged materials, please see the section below, for important information prior to bringing materials to the site. Burned buildings may contain incidental drywall that cannot be removed, but should not exceed 10% of the load.

All burn loads must be reported in at the scale. Ecowaste will not accept any burn/fire-damaged loads until at least 14 days have passed since the date of the fire. Ecowaste will need to see proof of the date of the fire before accepting any burn loads.

A heat gun will be used to measure the temperature of the load prior to dumping to confirm the load is cool (i.e. at ambient temperature) and will be measured in its entirety again when the load has been discharged. Ambient temperature will be considered to be within 10° Celsius of the air temperature at time of measurement. Additional storage fees will be charged if the load is above the ambient temperature at a rate of $200 per day (to a maximum of $1000 per load) until the load is cool enough to be incorporated into the landfill.

In the event the material must be moved from the site of the fire and delivered to a disposal facility before 14 days has passed after the fire, the material is to be placed in an area properly prepared to ensure the load will not create a fire risk to the landfill. Ecowaste will prepare a soil pad that will isolate the load from the landfill and the load(s) will be discharged at that location and monitored until the 14 day period has elapsed. An additional charge of $1,000 per load will be charged for this service.

Talk to us about your waste management needs