Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9
Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!
Ecowaste has moved to a new address!!! We are now at 15500 Blundell Road, Richmond BC V6W 1E9
Access is from Blundell Road via No. 8 Rd and Westminster HWY, or via Nelson Rd and HWY 91.
Note that there is no longer access from the previous site entrance at Williams Road.
For more information, please contact us directly!
The Ecowaste landfill accepts inert refuse, mainly from construction and demolition activities, and recycles a number of waste streams, including yard waste, clean wood, concrete/asphalt, and clean asphalt shingles.
There is a public drop off area for residential and smaller commercial vehicles. Larger commercial and industrial vehicles are sent directly to the landfill. Please check the list of permitted materials and size restrictions.
For larger quantities of soil, a Soil Disposal Checklist must be submitted to the office with supporting lab results and a soil authorization will be issued before waste soil will be accepted on site. Residential and smaller commercial vehicles are directed to tip in public drop off area, large commercial vehicles are directed to tip on the active landfill.
Custom soils manufactured from regional wastewater treatment plant bio-solids have been used to establish woodlots on the closed portion of the landfill. Leachate generated at the site is used for irrigation of the woodlots, moving towards zero discharge from the landfill.